Home公司最新消息(2014.08)IACUC Training Program-Best Practices

News release 2014/10/8


IACUC Training Program-Best Practices       


樂斯科日前邀請美國專業團隊IACUC 101 Series® 成員首度來台,進行為期一天半的IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) 國際專家研討會,會議全程以英文進行。IACUC 101 Series®  是受美國政府支助的非營利性組織,協助美國政府在全美各研究機構、學校、生技公司等實驗動物界進行IACUC相關訓練。台灣是IACUC 101 Series®首次在美國以外進行此類訓練課程的國家,因此本專業訓練課程並受到農委會認可,這也是台灣首次由民間機構自行舉辦受到政府單位的認可的IACUC國際研討會。在一天半教育訓練結束且經考試測驗合格後,與會業界學員獲得政府農委會承認的證書。


樂斯科董事長 陳振忠秉持提升台灣實驗動物管理水準的期許,與回饋社會的初衷, 不計成本邀請受美國官方支持的非營利訓練機構IACUC 101 Series® 的4位講師(Cynthia S. Gillett, DVM, DACLAM, CPIA, Molly Greene, BA, CPIA, Monte Matthews, BA, CPIA and J. G. Collins Professor)來台,將美國原汁原味的第一手訓練方式與教材帶到台灣,課程涵蓋動物福祉、動物照護、IACUC功能與責任、研究提案審查的原則與實驗中的監督等等,從不同角度來探究IACUC成員與組織的功能性與責任;由於此課程第一次在美國以外舉辦,吸引台灣、日本、北京、上海與國際級CRO公司以及相關專家學者等100多位專業人士報名參加。在研討會中,各級學者、獸醫師與生技專業人士就近與美國專家互動,並根據案例進行深入探討。藉由本次活動台灣實驗動物界獲得美國最新的IACUC組織運作狀況與核心觀念,提供國內及亞洲專家學者在動物福祉、照護上的最新資訊,有助於提昇台灣整體IACUC運作的品質。


在參與學員中,其中近9成學員給予課程最高評價「Excellent」,表達了學員對課程的高度接受度與認同度。現場參與的學員踴躍發問,並進行案例討論,充分展現了此課程對於學員的重要性,也顯示了對增進與完善IACUC功能、進而提升整體實驗動物管理水準的企圖心,除此之外,此次難得的機會不但讓參與的學員從專業的課程中受益,也讓遠道而來的專業講師與外國學員看到台灣實驗動物界專業的素養與溫暖的人情,紛紛表示更加期待未來IACUC 201進階課程的到來。樂斯科也將繼續秉持提升台灣實驗動物發展的初衷,繼續舉辦各項訓練課程,與產學各界共同成長。







講師(Professor Jerry Collins)與學員於課後熱烈討論與互動


新聞聯絡人: 丁先生Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 電話:02-26518669 # 331






News release

IACUC Training Program-Best Practices in Taipei 2014


For the first time, four experts affiliated with IACUC 101TM Series®, a US-based non-profit educational organization, came to Taiwan and presented an one and a half-day IACUC Training program (2014/9/18~19). The Taiwanese people who pass their examinations will be entitled an official certificate that are recognized as their IACUC Training records by the government in Taiwan. The survey after the program showed that more than 95% of attendees scored top 2 boxes for the training program. The Training program has been successful completed with a significant high acceptance.


With the principle of contributing to the society and improving the level of management in the experimental animal field, the President of the BioLASCO Taiwan, Mr. Colin Chen, invited four professional speakers (Cynthia S. Gillett, DVM, DACLAM, CPIA, Molly Greene, BA, CPIA, Monte Matthews, BA, CPIA and J. G. Collins Professor) from IACUC 101TM Series® to Taipei, Taiwan with practical concepts of running IACUC and best practices. The Training course included a variety of topics such as Animal Care and Use Program Infrastructure, IACUC function, Training and Qualifications and OHS (Occupational Health and Safety), Program Review and Facility Inspections, Protocol Review, Post Approval Monitoring and Case Studies. This program provided attendees of experts and researchers from Taiwan, Japan, Beijing, Shanghai and world-class CRO companies, with an opportunity to learn the essence of being a decent member of IACUC and to discuss with professional speakers face to face in Taiwan. During the program, the attendees showed their enthusiasms and asked many questions that they have encountered in their working places. The attendees felt that they were inspired by the speakers and this program will definitely benefit their works. More advanced training programs and case studies are desperately expected and welcomed. On the other hand, by this chance, the speakers got more understandings of the animal research field in Taiwan, the local customs of Taiwan and how we show our respects to experimental animals. Thus, IACUC Training Program provided a great bilateral learning opportunity for all of us.


As a leading company in Taiwan, the President of the BioLASCO Taiwan, Mr Colin Chen will keep introducing more IACUC training programs and other experimental animal relevant programs to make contribution to society as always.


Discussions about the protocol review in practical cases during the class.


The attendee had a lively interaction with the speaker, Professor Jerry Collins, after class.

Further contact: Tom Ding


Tel: +886-2-26518669 # 331

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