Home技術服務電子報(電子報)2023.02. TSE MotoRator 全方位運動分析系統

TSE MotoRator 全方位運動分析系統


TSE MotoRator 全方位運動分析系統有別於傳統的步態儀, MotoRator不僅可分析實驗動物的行走模式與腳步的移動,更精巧地設計四種運動模式:(1). 平地行走 (2).爬梯模式 (3).涉水模式 (4).游泳模式,且同時可從三面 (左右側與腹側) 觀察運動軌跡,系統提供與運動相關之身體部位的詳細數據,即腳踝、關節、尾巴、頭部、臀部等的連續變化,高靈敏度的系統可檢測細微偏差,可有效分析早期症狀發作、治療效果與神經病變的關係,可應用於中風模式、帕金森氏症、亨丁頓舞蹈症與多發性硬化症等研究,並可與 EEG與EMG 系統結合,取得更完整的實驗數據。


  1. Yoshizaki S, Kijima K, Hara M, Saito T, Tamaru T, Tanaka M, Konno D-J, Nakashima, Okada S. Tranexam* acid* reduces heme cytotoxicity via the TLR4/TNF axis and ameliorates functional recovery after spinal cord injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2019; 16: 1–15.

  2. Krupa P, Svobodova B, Dubisova J, Kubinova S, Jendelova P, Machova Urdzikova L. Nano-formulated curcumin (LipodisqTM) modulates the local inflammatory response, reduces glial scar and preserves the white matter after spinal cord injury in rats. Neuropharmacology. 2019; 155: 54–64.

  3. Chen B, Li Y, Yu B, Zhang Z, Brommer B, Williams PR, Liu Y, Hegarty SV, Zhou S, Zhu J, Guo H, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Gu X, He Z. Reactivation of Dormant Relay Pathways in Injured Spinal Cord by KCC2 Manipulations. Cell. 2018; 174: 521-535.

  4. Preisig DF, Kulic L, Krüger M, Wirth F, McAfoose J, Späni C, Gantenbein P, Derungs R, Nitsch RM, Welt T. High-speed video gait analysis reveals early and characteristic locomotor phenotypes in mouse models of neurodegenerative movement disorders. Behav Brain Res. 2016; 311: 340–353.

  5. Zörner B, Filli L, Starkey ML, Gonzenbach R, Kasper H, Röthlisberger M, Bolliger M, Schwab ME. Profiling locomotor recovery: Comprehensive quantification of impairments after CNS damage in rodents. Nat Methods. 2010; 7 (9): 701-708.




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