XCEll 照射儀可廣泛的運用於小型實驗動物的免疫及癌症的研究,最常見的實驗模型是運用 XCELL 所產生的高能 X 光將一般小鼠免疫細胞中的 CD45.2 細胞去除,再移植帶有 CD45.1 的免疫細胞,觀察免疫細胞的變化,該系統操作簡單,且無須進行空間的改造,是進行細胞移植及癌症研究的利器。人性化操作介面,提供穩定的操作性能、可調式樣品架、無需進行安裝空間的改造、電子式標本轉盤與變速能力以及精準且均勻的 X 射線劑量調節。


The XCELL® 50

Benchtop X-ray Irradiator


An affordable, fully shielded bench top cell irradiator, that takes up minimal space and intuitive to use right in your lab. Place it right next to your incubator as an alternative or adjunct to chemical treatment allowing you to save time and improve efficiency.


  • Automatic warm-up with Intelligent Tube Conditioning.
  • Complies with US FDA and International regulations for cabinet X-ray systems.
  • Bench top for economical irradiation of tissue culture.

Applications Include: